sábado, maio 28, 2005


O Bahrain e' um pequeno Estado-arquipelago estrategicamente localizado no Golfo Persico. Historicamente, tem sido um importante lugar de passagem e de comercio. Por isso, em 1521 os portugueses lancaram-se 'a sua conquista por ser um ponto importante no controlo do comercio do Medio Oriente. Desses tempos ficaram vestigios, sendo o mais visivel a Fortaleza Portuguesa projectado pelo arquitecto Inofre de Carvalho.

Actualmente, o Bahrain e' um pequeno e moderno Estado com uma abertura fantastica. Ha' cinemas, bares, restaurates e o estilo de vida e' perfeitamente ocidentalizado.

Bahrain is a small archipelago-State strategically located in the Persian Golf. Historically, has been an important station for commerce and therefore, in 1521, the Portuguese conquered this place in order to control trade in the Middle East. From those times, there are several memories being the most important the Portuguese fort projected by the Portuguese architect Inofre de Carvalho.

Today, Bahrain is a small, but modern state. There you find cinemas, restaurants, bares and the life style is very western-like.

Primeira noite no Bahrain/First night in Bahrain Posted by Hello

Restaurante tailandes/Thai restaurant Posted by Hello

Abdallah e eu/Abdallah and I Posted by Hello

Fumando chicha/Smoking chicha Posted by Hello

O forte portugues do Bahrain/The Portuguese fort of Bahrain Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do forte portugues/Partial view of the Portuguese fort Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do forte portugues/Partial view of the Portuguese fort Posted by Hello

A entrada do forte/By the fort's entrance  Posted by Hello

Um detalhe interior/An interior detail Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do forte portugues/Partial view of the Portuguese fort Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do forte portugues/Partial view of the Portuguese fort Posted by Hello

Minarete portugues do sec XVI/Portuguese minarete of the XVI century Posted by Hello

O antigo e o moderno/The old and the new Posted by Hello

Uma rua/A street Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do Bahrain/Partial view over Bahrain Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do Bahrain/Partial view over Bahrain Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do Bahrain/Partial view over Bahrain  Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do Bahrain/Partial view over Bahrain Posted by Hello

Almoco no Hotel Diplomata/Luch at "Diplomat Hotel" Posted by Hello

Vista parcial do Bahrain/Partial view over Bahrain Posted by Hello

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2005


O Raul estava de partida e teve direito a jantar de despedida: foi uma paelha cozinhada com mestria pelo Juan. O convivio foi excelente, o tempo estava optimo e as sobremesas inundaram a mesa.

Since Raul was leaving Saudi Arabia, Juan decided to organize a farewel dinner and prepared a magnificent paella. We had a great time, the weather was splendid and the deserts overflooded the dinning table!

Dois excelentes cozinheiros/Two outstanding cooks Posted by Hello

Deliciosa/Delicious Posted by Hello

'A mesa/By the table Posted by Hello

Imensas sobremesas :) Loads of deserts  Posted by Hello

sábado, maio 21, 2005


Ha' dias em que nos sentimos mais descontraidos... Alguns momentos!...

Sometimes it happens that we feel more relaxed... A few moments!...

Momentos.../Moments... Posted by Hello